Amethyst—February’s favourite

Deep, piquant and luxurious, the amethyst is this months beautiful birthstone. Favoured by Leonardo Da Vinci and Saint Valentine, the patron of our beloved Valentines Day, this stone is a symbol of love—as well as royalty!

While some believe that Saint Valentine wore a ring of amethyst carved into the shape of cupid, this gemstone has received quite a fair share of mythology and lore. In ancient Greece, it was believed to keep the head ‘clear and quick-witted’—centuries later, Leonardo Da Vinci would go on to say that amethyst helps him to quicken his intelligence and rid negative thoughts!

Amethysts, throughout history, have also been a dearly beloved favourite of the royal court. Dating back centuries, Amethysts have accompanied royals across Europe in nearly everything they wore, jewellery-wise. From the Kent Amethysts—worn by the Duchess of Kent, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II— to the Napoleonic Amethyst parure collection—given by Empress Joséphine to her daughter-in-law, Augusta of Bavaria—amethysts have seen history from the seat of the throne.

Just below emerald on the Mohs hardness scale (more information about this scale can be found on our website!), Amethyst sits at a sufficient seven. Sturdy and reliable, this stone is one of many that can shine for the years to come with proper care and handling.

Whether as a gift or as your very own bespoke item, make Amethyst the perfect jewellery piece this lovely February!

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